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Jquery how to start function when div appears

I am making Slider. I want to start function when change slider. For example start function when change first slider to second slider. How can I do this ? I am making Slider. I want to start function when change slider. For example start function when change first slider to second slider. How can I do this ?

this is my slider code.

 <!-- Slide Item -->
    <section class="home-section bg-scroll fixed-height-small bg-dark-alfa-50" data-background="<?php echo $slidercek['slider_background'] ?>">
        <div class="js-height-parent container">

            <!-- Hero Content -->
            <div class="home-content">
                <div class="home-text">

                    <div  class="hs-line-8 no-transp font-alt mb-40 mb-xs-10 ">
                        <p style="margin-top: 50px;" id="slider_ust_baslik-<?php echo $slidercek['slider_id'] ?>">

                            <script type="text/javascript">

                                    var typed3 = new Typed('#slider_ust_baslik-<?php echo $slidercek['slider_id'] ?>', {
                                        strings: ['',<?php echo $slidercek['slider_ust_baslik']?>],
                                        typeSpeed: 100,
                                        backSpeed: 20,

                                        smartBackspace: true, 
                                        loop: true




                    <div class="hs-line-14 font-alt mb-50 mb-xs-10">
                        <?php echo $slidercek['slider_ana_baslik'] ?>

                    <div class="local-scroll">
                        <a href="#services" class="btn btn-mod btn-border-w btn-circle btn-small">HİZMETLER</a>
                        <span class="hidden-xs">&nbsp;</span>
                        <a href="#whyus" class="btn btn-mod btn-border-w btn-circle btn-small">NEDEN BİZ ?</a>

            <!-- End Hero Content -->

    <!-- End Slide Item -->
