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R-tree issue with parements from class

I am making an r-tree in scala and I have same errors that I can't solve them as I am new in scala. I have this code:

def search(coords: Array[Float],
                 dimensions: Array[Float],
                 n: Node,
                 results: LinkedList[T]): Unit = {

if (n.leaf) {
  for (e <- n.children
       if isOverlap(coords, dimensions, e.coords, e.dimensions)) {
} else {
  for (c <- n.children
       if isOverlap(coords, dimensions, c.coords, c.dimensions)) {
    search(coords, dimensions, c, results)


And I have this class for node:

  class Node (coords: Array[Float],dimensions: Array[Float],val leaf: Boolean) {

private var root: Node = _

 val coords: Array[Float] = new Array[Float](coords.length)

 val dimensions: Array[Float] = new Array[Float](dimensions.length)

val children: LinkedList[Node] = new LinkedList[Node]()

var parent: Node = _

System.arraycopy(coords, 0, this.coords, 0, coords.length)

System.arraycopy(dimensions, 0, this.dimensions, 0, dimensions.length)


And I have the error in my def search with e.coords, e.dimensions:

Description Resource Path Location Type value dimensions is not a member of RTree.Node rtee.scala /Rtree/src/rtree

Description Resource Path Location Type value dimensions is not a member of RTree.Node rtee.scala /Rtree/src/rtree

And the second third problem I have that I have trouble solving it is in LinkedList[T]:

Description Resource Path Location Type not found: type T rtee.scala /Rtree/src/rtree

Can someone give some advice in order to solve them
