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I am having trouble making a button work in c# with my arduino and I am unsure why

When ever I plug the button in for this code the speaker I am using just goes off. I have lights going off and I'm trying to get a buzzer to go off with a press of a button but for what ever reason it does not want to work

int i=0;
int timer = 100;           // The higher the number, the 
slower the timing.
const int button = 9;
int buttonState = 0;

void setup() {
  // use a for loop to initialize each pin as an output:
  for (int light = 2; light < 8; light++) {
    pinMode(light, OUTPUT);
   //pinMode(buzzer, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(button, INPUT);

void loop() {
  buttonState = digitalRead(button);
  // loop from the lowest pin to the highest:
  for (int light = 2; light < 8; light++) {
    // turn the pin on:
    digitalWrite(light, HIGH);
    // turn the pin off:
    digitalWrite(light, LOW);
    if (buttonState == HIGH){
    } }else {

  // loop from the highest pin to the lowest:
  for (int light = 7; light >= 2; light--) {
    // turn the pin on:
    digitalWrite(light, HIGH);
    // turn the pin off:
    digitalWrite(light, LOW);
