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Dynamic slider showing only 1 image

I'm doing a dynamic site in php. I have a section 'News & Events' which is a slider . The news can be added from the backend. The problem is that when i add news/event from the backend, only 1 event is shown on the screen. This is my html code:

<div id="portfolio" class="portfolio"><h3 class="wthree_title_agile" ><span  style="color:#5a0c4d">L</span>atest Updates </h3>
$query1="select * from news_tb";

		    $result1.="<ul id='flexiselDemo1'>
		  <div class='w3_agile_portfolio_grid'>
                    <img src='$nimg' alt=' ' class='img-responsive' >
                               <div id='tex'>

		<div class="carousel-inner ">
            <div class="item active">
                <div class="container-fluid  mrgn_less">
                    <div class="row"> 
                       <div class="col-md-12  mrgn_less col_bg" style="padding-bottom:13px;;margin-bottom:1em">
                          <?php  echo $result1;?>

This is my table news_tbTable news_tb

This is my website. My website Only one news/event is shown. Can somebody help me with this?
