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AngularJS: How to arrange the order sequence of an object if grouped into seperate arrays

I have an array like object named vm.comparisonThumbnail.list that contains 40 indexed properties. And i grouped the value inside based on their unique id's into array using lodash _.groupBy. The result contains an object with 6 arrays inside. Note: I'm using angularjs dnd(drag and drop) to arrange the sequence.

Here is my code:

function arrangeSequence(key, index) {
    var myArray = vm.comparisonThumbnail.list;


    var groupedArray = _.groupBy(myArray, 'courseContentId');

    var keyArray = groupedArray[key];

    var result = =>

    var filter = result.filter(function (value, indexx, array) { return
        array.indexOf(value) == indexx; });

    keyArray.splice(index, 1);

    var originalSelectedId =
    var currentIndex = _.findIndex(vm.comparisonThumbnail.list, 'id',

    var newArray = [];

    filter.forEach(keyz => {
        newArray = newArray.concat(groupedArray[keyz]);

    vm.comparisonThumbnail.list = newArray;


The problem here is that i can only arrange the sequence properly on the first grouped array. Here is the data inside the first.

      >0:{courseContentId: 471, fileName: "Testing"},
      >1:{courseContentId: 471, fileName: "Testing2"},
      >2:{courseContentId: 471, fileName: "Testing3"},
      >3:{courseContentId: 471, fileName: "Testing4"},
      >4:{courseContentId: 471, fileName: "Testing5"},

I grouped them based on courseContentId. And if i tried to arrange the sequence on the second array and so on it won't arrange properly.
