I have created two async functions within my JavaScript Zapier step to parse a raw webhook. The two async functions center around storeClient to "get" and "set" values on Storage by Zapier. However, I get an error thrown. I have a screen shot from Zapier test sub-step. Due to the way Zapier returns on error, I can't see any of my console.log output.
What have I done wrong with the async functions?
<!-- language: lang-js -->
// function to talk to Storage By Zapier to get a key
async function getStore(passKey) {
try {
const store = StoreClient(inputData.secret);
const data = await store.get(passKey);
console.log(`Here is the data from store: ${data}`);
return data;
} catch(error) {
console.log(`We hit an error: ${error}`);
// function to talk to Storage By Zapier to set a key and values
async function setStore(passKey, passTags) {
try {
const store = StoreClient(inputData.secret);
await store.setMany({'email': passKey, 'tags': passTags});
} catch(error) {
console.log(`We hit an error: ${error}`);
// for testing in editor
//var contactData = JSON.parse(raw);
// only when Storage By Zapier not available
//var inputData = JSON.parse(inputStore);
// pull in data from Zapier
var contactData = JSON.parse(inputData.raw);
//var inputData = JSON.parse(inputData.testStore);
//console.log(`inputData.tags: ${inputData.tags}`);
// create output object to pass back to zapier after processing webhook from AgileCRM
// receive raw webhook by parsing using built-in function
var output = new Object();
//console.log(`inputData.tags: ${inputData.tags}`);
var contactEventData, isValentus, isDoubleOptIn, isUpdate, contactTags, tagsDidntchange, storeTags, storeTagsArray, tagsEqualCount;
// set-up variables and init
isValentus = false;
isDoubleOptIn = false;
tagsDidntchange = false;
contactTags = new Array();
storeTagsArray = new Array();
tagsEqualCount = 0;
contactEventData = contactData.eventData;
// find out is this is an update to a contact
contactData.eventName === 'Contact is Updated' ? isUpdate = true : isUpdate = false;
// find out if the contact is:
// Valentus, Double Opt-in and save other tags
contactEventData.tags.forEach(function(contactTag) {
switch(contactTag) {
case 'Valentus':
isValentus = true;
case 'Double_Opt_In':
isDoubleOptIn = true;
// initialize all variables to be passed via output object to Zapier
// ---this is so that the subsequent steps in the zap have data for the variable
var contactEmailAddress = '-', contactFirstName ='-', contactLastName = '-', contactPhoneNumber = '-', contactSource = '-', contactValentusUSERID = '-', contactStatus = '-', contactPhoneCallType = '-', contactInvitedby = '-', contactInvitedByEmail = '-', contactInvitedByWebsiteUID = '-', contactInvitedByValentusUSERID = '-', contactValentusTeam = '-';
// process contact properties to get needed variable data by property name
contactEventData.properties.forEach(function(properties) {
let propertyName = properties.name;
let propertyValue = properties.value;
switch(propertyName) {
case 'email':
contactEmailAddress = propertyValue;
case 'first_name':
contactFirstName = propertyValue;
case 'last_name':
contactLastName = propertyValue;
case 'phone':
contactPhoneNumber = propertyValue;
case 'Source':
contactSource = propertyValue;
case 'Valentus userid':
contactValentusUSERID = propertyValue;
case 'Status':
contactStatus = propertyValue;
case 'Phone call type':
contactPhoneCallType = propertyValue;
case 'Invited by':
contactInvitedby = propertyValue;
case 'Invited by email':
contactInvitedByEmail = propertyValue;
case 'Invited by website UID':
contactInvitedByWebsiteUID = propertyValue;
case 'Invited by Valentus userid':
contactInvitedByValentusUSERID = propertyValue;
case 'company':
contactValentusTeam = propertyValue;
// get storage by email address and compare tags
// and see if tags changed. if they changed, we don't
// want to process any further
//storeTags = inputData.tags;
getStore(contactEmailAddress).then(data => {
storeTags = data;
//console.log(`storeTags returned is: ${storeTags}`);
// Transform store string into array of tags to compare
// with hook tags array
storeTagsArray = storeTags.split(',');
// compare storeTags to contactTags
// --note both arrays may not be in same order
contactTags.forEach(function(contactTag) {
storeTagsArray.forEach(function(storeTag) {
if (storeTag === contactTag) {
if (tagsEqualCount === storeTagsArray.length && tagsEqualCount === contactTags.length) {
tagsDidntchange = true;
} else {
setStore(contactEmailAddress, contactTags);
// now place contact property variables into output object to pass
output = {
'isValentus': isValentus,
'isUpdate': isUpdate,
'isDoubleOptIn': isDoubleOptIn,
'tagsDidntchange': tagsDidntchange,
'contactEmailAddress': contactEmailAddress,
'contactFirstName': contactFirstName,
'contactLastName': contactLastName,
'contactPhoneNumber': contactPhoneNumber,
'contactSource': contactSource,
'contactValentusUSERID': contactValentusUSERID,
'contactStatus': contactStatus,
'contactPhoneCallType': contactPhoneCallType,
'contactInvitedby': contactInvitedby,
'contactInvitedByEmail': contactInvitedByEmail,
'contactInvitedByWebsiteUID': contactInvitedByWebsiteUID,
'contactInvitedByValentusUSERID': contactInvitedByValentusUSERID,
'contactValentusTeam': contactValentusTeam,
'contactTags': contactTags
/* for debug */
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