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How do I add a extra turn feature in my 3 boarded tic tac toe game? and restart option?

How do I Implement a extra turn option for example if Player X manages to get a strike in one board then next turn would still be player X's turn the same goes for player O the winner of the game would be decided on who wins the LAST board and if someone could help make a restart option it would be greatly appreciated.

 import os

 board = [' ' for x in range (27)]

ef inptLetter(letter, pos):
board[pos] = letter

 def spaceIsFree(move):
print("spaceIsFree: " + board[move] == ' ')
return board[move] == ' '

def printBoard(board):
print('   |   |' + '        |   |' + '          |   |')
print(' ' + board[0] + ' | ' + board[1] + ' | ' + board[2] +'   '+ ' ' + board[9] + ' | ' + board[10] + ' | ' + board[11] +'    ' + ' ' + board[18] + '  | ' + board[19] + ' | ' + board[20]) 
print('   |   |' + '        |   |' + '          |   |')
print('-----------' + '   -----------' + '   -----------')
print('   |   |' + '        |   |' + '          |   |')
print(' ' + board[3] + ' | ' + board[4] + ' | ' + board[5] +'   '+ ' ' + board[12] + ' | ' + board[13] + ' | ' + board[14] +'    '+ ' ' + board[21] + '  | ' + board[22] + ' | ' + board[23]) 
print('   |   |' + '        |   |' + '          |   |' )
print('-----------' + '   -----------' + '   -----------')
print('   |   |' + '        |   |' + '          |   |')
print(' ' + board[6] + ' | ' + board[7] + ' | ' + board[8] +'   '+ ' ' + board[15] + ' | ' + board[16] + ' | ' + board[17] +'    '+ ' ' + board[24] + '  | ' + board[25] + ' | ' + board[26])
print('   |   |' + '        |   |' + '          |   |')

def Winner(t, le):
return (t[0] == le and t[1] == le and t[2] == le) or (t[3] == le and t[4] == le and t[5] == le) or (t[6] == le and t[7] == le and t[8] == le) or (t[0] ==le and t[3] == le and t[6] == le) or (t[1] == le and t[4] == le and t[7] == le) or (t[2] == le and t[5] == le  and t[8] == le ) or (t[0] == le and t[4] == le and t[8] == le) or (t[9] == le and t[10] == le and t[11] == le) or (t[12] == le and t[13] == le and t[14] == le) or (t[12] == le and t[13] == le and t[14] == le) or (t[15] == le and t[16] == le and t[17] == le) or (t[9] == le and t[12] == le and t[15] == le) or (t[10] == le and t[13] == le and t[16] == le) or (t[11] == le and t[14] == le and t[17] == le) or (t[9] == le and t[13] == le and t[17] == le) or (t[11] == le and t[13] == le and t[15] == le) 

def Player1Move():
run = True
while run:
    move = input("select a tile sir to place an \'X\' (1-26): ")
        move = int(move)
        if move > 0 and move < 27:
            if spaceIsFree(move-1):
                run = False
                inptLetter('x', move)
                print("Please pick another tile mah dude")
            print("please pick a valid number")
        print("that aint a number fam cmon")

def Player2Move():
run = True
while run:
    move = input("select a tile sir to place an \'O\' (1-26): ")
        move = int(move)
        if move > 0 and move < 27 :
            if spaceIsFree(move-1):
                run = False
                inptLetter('o', move)
                print("Please pick another tile mah dude")
            print("please pick a valid number")
        print("that aint a number fam cmon")

def isBoardFull(board):
if board.count(' ')> 0:
    return False
    return True

def main():
print("welcome to tictactoe")
cont = True
winner = ''

while not(isBoardFull(board)) and cont:
    if not(Winner(board, 'o')):
        winner = 'o'
        cont = False

    if not(isBoardFull(board)) and cont:
        if not(Winner(board, 'x')):
           winner = 'x'
           cont = False

if winner != '':
    print('Winner is :' + winner)
elif isBoardFull(board):
    print('Tie Game!')

