Title may sound bit ODD but let me tell you what i exactly need to achieve.
I am having a software which uses Flat File System as its backend database. So to access that data as in multi user scenario we need to share that folder where data is been kept so it can be access across LAN. For this i am been using normal windows sharing protocols.
Now here is the problem i have been facing. Whenever a user try to view or load an entry at that time if its PC / Software get hang / freeze than entire LAN system's Software get hang/freezes.
So i need to have something in file sharing that remove this problem so that if any of the PC get hang due to the software it should not disturb any other PC in LAN.
I have been searching for concurrent LAN Sharing Tips but didn't found any one which fulfill my requirement so creating a new post.
Please note: Using Windows OS to run the software.
Thanks, Manthan Patel
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