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Nand2tetris.The builtin gate chips behave strangly

I am doing the projects of nand2tetris, from which we can build a virtual computer by basic logic gates with the simulator provided by their webpage. But I am confronted with a problem as shown here:

enter image description here

The outputs of "NOT" and "AND" gate are the inverse of what's expected in the red circle from the pictrue. For the "NOT" gate, if its input is 1, its output should be 0, but is 1. For "AND", if its inputs are both 1, its output should be 1, but is 0. In previous projects I've finished, there were no such erros. It's so strange. They both are building chips not built by myself, but output abnormally, which confused me so much. If I don't solve it, I don't think I can do the rest of projects of nands2tetris. It's really nice for someone to help me find the reason.
