I am currently trying to get a Raspberry Pi 3B+ to connect to several Arduino cards (three at the moment) at once, and to communicate different information to each of them, while also receiving information from all three Arduinos. I was initially thinking of using an SPI protocol but noticed that the Arduino's standard SPI library only allowed you to use the Arduino as a master instead of a slave, so I'm not considering using Serial communication for this purpose.
I was thinking of connecting the RPi's TX pin to every Arduino card's RX pin, and vice versa. Every card would therefore get the same information, but I could add 'chip select' pins to let the cards know which information is addressed to them, or when they would be able to send information themselves. However I would like to know if this sort of wiring could cause any damage or issue with the cards, or if I should expect any critical failures from this sort of solution. If that's the case, would there be any workaround that could fix this?
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