I am using the following snippets of code in my code base in my hls.js file.
loadInternal () {
let xhr, context = this.context;
xhr = this.loader = new XMLHttpRequest();
let stats = this.stats;
stats.tfirst = 0;
stats.loaded = 0;
const xhrSetup = this.xhrSetup;
try {
if (xhrSetup) {
try {
xhrSetup(xhr, context.url);
} catch (e) {
// fix xhrSetup: (xhr, url) => {xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Language", "test");}
// not working, as xhr.setRequestHeader expects xhr.readyState === OPEN
xhr.open('GET', context.url, true);
xhrSetup(xhr, context.url);
if (!xhr.readyState) {
xhr.open('GET', context.url, true); // context.url returns ../_definst_/u7sdeqg19d32m6jv2uoj20bgn3/77361a840b3487468ad276adc99b47d974e47a7a/chunklist_w121969216.m3u8
} catch (e) {
// IE11 throws an exception on xhr.open if attempting to access an HTTP resource over HTTPS
this.callbacks.onError({ code: xhr.status, text: e.message }, context, xhr);
if (context.rangeEnd) {
xhr.setRequestHeader('Range', 'bytes=' + context.rangeStart + '-' + (context.rangeEnd - 1));
xhr.onreadystatechange = this.readystatechange.bind(this);
xhr.onprogress = this.loadprogress.bind(this);
xhr.responseType = context.responseType;
// setup timeout before we perform request
this.requestTimeout = window.setTimeout(this.loadtimeout.bind(this), this.config.timeout);
xhr.send(); // This line is throwing GET 404 Not found
The above snippets of code is also present in the following link as well. In that link, I have used majority of code in my hls.js file.
Problem Statement:
I am wondering what are the reasons behind the error 404 Not found
at line xhr.send().
Error Message:
At line xhr.send()
as mentioned in problem statement, I am getting the error message GET 404 not found on console with context.url link (as shown below) left to it.
context.url returns,
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