I've created a function readFileLine that should read in a line from a file, and return that line via eax. When I run my program however, an exception is thrown and I get an additional window saying the Frame is not found in module.
The function is:
; read a line from the text file using readFileChar
; receives:
; pointer to the open file
; pointer to the output array
; max number of bytes to copy
; returns:
; The number of characters read and stored in the target array
readFileLine PROC
push ecx ; preserve ecx
push ebx
push edx
mov dl, lbuffer ; pointer to a result string
mov ecx, 5 ; move max line size into counter
push fileptr ; push pointer to current file location
call readFileChar ; read one character from the file
cmp al, ASTERISK ; if the character is an asterisk
je NEXT ; go to next loop
cmp al, CR ; if the character is a c/r
je exitLoop ; exit the loop
mov [edx], al ; move the char into the open spot
inc edx ; move to the next spot
call readFileChar ; move past the return carriage char
mov eax, edx
pop fileptr
pop edx
pop ebx
pop ecx
readFileLine ENDP
Within that function is a helper function readFileChar:
; read a character from a file
; receives:
; [ebp+8] = file pointer
; returns:
; eax = character read, or system error code if carry flag is set
readFileChar PROC
push ebp ; save the base pointer
mov ebp,esp ; base of the stack frame
sub esp,4 ; create a local variable for the return value
push edx ; save the registers
push ecx
mov eax,[ebp+8] ; file pointer
lea edx,[ebp-4] ; pointer to value read
mov ecx,1 ; number of chars to read
call ReadFromFile ; gets file handle from eax (loaded above)
jc DONE ; if CF is set, leave the error code in eax
mov eax,[ebp-4] ; otherwise, copy the char read from local variable
pop ecx ; restore the registers
pop edx
mov esp,ebp ; remove local var from stack
pop ebp
ret 4
readFileChar ENDP
Using a debugger I can see that the crash seems to happen on the ret
in readFileLine. I imagine this has got to be related to the stack, but I cannot for the life of me figure out what is causing the error to occur. Anyone have any ideas?
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