I have been tasked to create a "snake" game in shell scripting. I am having trouble adding keys 1,2,3 to control the moving speed of the snake, 1-slowest, 3-fastest.
How can I change the DELAY variably by pressing 1 for the delay to be .3, 2 for the delay to be .2 and 3 for the delay to be .1
The DELAY variable is originally set to .5 . If I change the DELAY, the speed of the snake changes.
Below is the code I have so far but it keeps breaking": I only put 1) as the key input because I dont want to put 2) and 3) until I can get 1) working.
# Pick a random direction to start moving in
DIRECTIONS=( u d l r )
randomchar "${DIRECTIONS[@]}"
sleep 1
while :
stty echo
read -s -n 1 key
case "$key" in
w) DIRECTION="u";;
s) DIRECTION="d";;
a) DIRECTION="l";;
d) DIRECTION="r";;
1) DELAY=".2";;
2) DELAY=".1";;
3) DELAY=".05";;
x) tput cup $COLS 0
echo "Quitting..."
tput cvvis
stty echo
tput reset
printf "Bye Bye!\n"
trap exit ALRM
sleep $DELAY
exit 0
And above in a function I created called speed() my code looks like:
speed() {
case "$SPEED" in
1) DELAY=$(( $DELAY - 0.2 ));;
2) DELAY=$(( $DELAY - 0.3 ));;
3) DELAY=$(( $DELAY - 0.35 ));;
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