I have a STL unordered_map, MyMap, of the type
unordered_map<const MyClass*, unordered_map<SomeOtherClass, std::shared_ptr<YetAnotherClass>>>
When I construct a const_iterator of the container on the stack, I'm getting a warning that it can throw.
marked as noexcept, but calls throwing function 'std::_List_const_iterator,std::hash,std::equal_to,HeapAllocator > > > > > > >::{ctor}
I'm wondering why is that? An iterator is effectively a pointer. I'm only constructing it on the stack
MyMap::const_iterator myMapIterator;
I'm not even assigning it =, just constructing it. I pass it in by reference to another method to actually hydrate the iterator.
Interested to know what's going on.
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