Because of my SD Card is limited, I cannot install proper OS and Server to work with PHP to my Raspberry Pi. Without proper version of the PHP i cannot install the trader extension to use trader_rsi function.
My question is, is there any filepath or something that I can check how this function calculates rsi from the extension files? (I mean the direct code.)
For example I found the code for stats_standart_deviation function on the net. But I couldn't find it for trader_rsi function.
I want to find the function and include it like this:
if (!function_exists('stats_standard_deviation')) {
* This user-land implementation follows the implementation quite strictly;
* it does not attempt to improve the code or algorithm in any way. It will
* raise a warning if you have fewer than 2 values in your array, just like
* the extension does (although as an E_USER_WARNING, not E_WARNING).
* @param array $a
* @param bool $sample [optional] Defaults to false
* @return float|bool The standard deviation or false on error.
function stats_standard_deviation(array $a, $sample = false) {
$n = count($a);
if ($n === 0) {
trigger_error("The array has zero elements", E_USER_WARNING);
return false;
if ($sample && $n === 1) {
trigger_error("The array has only 1 element", E_USER_WARNING);
return false;
$mean = array_sum($a) / $n;
$carry = 0.0;
foreach ($a as $val) {
$d = ((double) $val) - $mean;
$carry += $d * $d;
if ($sample) {
return sqrt($carry / $n);
I have XAMPP in my Desktop and pecl trader extensions installed. Here is the manual of the function: Thanks in advance.
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