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How to constraint views so that the views look like the Layout in the image?

I need to design a layout. I have already done designing the layout. This is the first layout i have designed

The old layout has the two buttons(Green and black), which i have put layout width weights as 50% for both buttons. Hence they covers the entire screens.

As of the new update, i need to replace the buttons with new ones.The updated new layout has curved red buttons. New Updated Layout

I'm new to constraint layout. I have used medyo FancyButton library. There is some bug with the library to put a left drawable. The left icon for the button is not centered vertically. Hence i need to create the same customized curved button with an icon placed at starting of button text.

Im planning to create a Linear layout with an imageview and textview with background of linear layout as curved red drawable. Is this the correct approach ? or nesting layout in constraint layout is bad ?

I find it very difficult to center two views horizontally in constraint layout. Using guidelines, this can be done by constraining textviews both to left and right of guidelines.But when i look after constraining the views, it does not look centered. Three views can be centered using chaining. How to center two views horizontally ? New user, Signup . How to center this two views horizontally

There is another problem too. How can i design a cardview so that there is corner radius for top right and left, but no radius for bottom left and right. I have created a drawable with top radius and no bottom radius, so that it looks like card view when the drawable is attached to a linear layout. But is there any way to reuse cardview to look like there is top radius, but no bottom radius.
