i have tried to implement pseudocode of use-me sort algorithm in java, but it doesn't works, anyone can explain or show me how to implement this pseudocode correctly. i have tried but i got array index out of bound. This algorithm will work by dividing the array that has been sorted by the one that hasn't, this portion of the array that hasn't been sorted is called the UM array, then the array will merge recursively one by one using binary search to find the right position until all the elements are sorted
1 i←0
2 while i < N-1
3 if A[i] > A[i+1]
4 then k←i+1
5 while A[k] > A[k+1] and k < N-1
6 do k++
7 if k ≠ i+1
8 then m ← k-i-1
9 DESC(A, i, k, m)
10 i ← k
11 else
12 while A[k]≤A[k+1] and k<N-1 and A[k+1]<A[i]
13 do k++
14 m ← k-i-1
15 ASC(A, i, k, m)
16 i ← k
17 else
18 i++
sorce: https://www.ijais.org/archives/volume7/number8/675-1228
full pseudocode: http://collabedit.com/qpb6m
my java code : http://collabedit.com/hfhsh
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