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signed ascending insertion sort using jumps and subroutine on x86 (intel 8086)

I have managed to get data across the main function and I have initialized the array index to zero as well and read all the theories on how things are supposed to go but i'm having hard time translating my idea into actual assembly code. How do I extract an element and match it with all the elements up to the sort_listed at that point? can someone help me finish this code please?


[org 0x0100]

jmp start

data: 2, 3, -4
sorted_index: db 0

insert_sort:    dec cx                      ; last element not compared
                shl cx, 1                   ; turn into byte count

mainloop:       mov si, 0                   ; initialize array index to zero
                mov byte [sorted_index], 0  ; make all element sorted until 0th

innerloop:      mov ax, [bx+si]              ; load 1st number in ax
                cmp ax, [bx+si+2]            ; compare with next number
                jge nosort                   ; no sort if already sorted

                ??????????                   ;how do i sort here?       

nosort:         add si, 2                    ; advance si to next index
                cmp si, cx                   ; are we at last index
                jne innerloop                ; if not compare next two

                cmp byte [swap], cx          ; sorted_index is same as cx?
                je mainloop                   ; if yes make another pass

                ret                          ; go back to where we came from

start:           mov bx, data                 ; send start of array in bx
                 mov cx, 3                    ; send count of elements in cx
                 call insert_sort             ; call our subroutine

mov ax, 0x4c00 ; terminate program
int 0x21
