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Collect Omnet results in different vector files

I'm looking for a way to collect results from omnet simulation, using statistics, in different vectorial file, one for each module, or one for each signal. I can find nothing in the documentation. All the examples show how record results in a single vector file.

I'm simulating an airport: The module are Tower, Landing, Takeoff, Runway. Here some code of

        EV << "LANDING: Start Landing\n";
        cObject* obj_plane;
        obj_plane = landing_queue.pop();
        plane = dynamic_cast<Plane*>(obj_plane);
        send(plane, "out_airstrip");

        //emissione segnale contenente id aereo
        emit(arrivalSignalId, plane->getId());

EV << "LANDING: Aereo aggiunto alla landing_queue\n";

    myMsg->setEnter(simTime());     //segno a che ore entra nella lista landing_queue
    myMsg->setKind(0);              //setto per sicurezza

    //emissione segnale con numero di aereo nella coda Landing
    emit(arrivalSignalId, landing_queue.getLength());

The other modules use also emit function to collect information. Here the omnetpp.ini:

network = Airport
**.sky.sendInitialMessage = true
**.sky[*].SkyRecId.result-recording-modes = -vector
**.landing[*].LandingRecId.result-recording-modes = -vector
**.parking[*].ParkingRecId.result-recording-modes = -vector
**.takeoff[*].TakeoffRecId.result-recording-modes = -vector

All the results are on the same vector file "General-#0.vec" results vector file

Is there a way to put results of different modules in different .vec files? Is there a way to put results of different signal (emit) in the same module in different .vec files?
