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How to filter html tags like

& and only convert the text part in php?

For Example:

"<p>g]kfn <span style="font-family:arial;">/</span> g]kfn</p>"

above string is my input and I need to filter HTML <p></p>, <span style="font-family:arial;">/</span> and only convert g]kfn this text and get the result in same format as input string.

$translatedResult = str_replace(
            ["c","cf","f","O","O{","{","p","P","]","}","f]","f}","cf]","cf}","+","F","l","L","'",'"',"s","v","u","3","ª","r","5","h","´","`","6","7","8","9","0f","t","y","b","w","g","k","km","a","e","d","o","/","?","[","n","j",";","z","if","1","x","!","@","#","$","%","^","&","*","(",")",".","\\","pm"," ","-","_"], 

I tried with about code but it converted all.

The required result should be:

"<p>नेपाल <span style="font-family:arial;">/</span> नेपाल</p>"
