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Unable to compile and use Java library BNGeneration

I have download the library BNGeneration.

As per the instructions I did went into the directory and tried to run the given example. The command failed with the following error: command not found: colt.jar

Example command: java -classpath .;colt.jar BNGenerator -nNodes 20 - maxDegree 3 -nBNs 10 -nVal 5 -nTransitions 10000 - fName example

Due to the error, I moved files under the directory Source to Classes which had colt.jar. Running the same command gave me the same error.

However, on my linux machine when I ran the command javac -cp .:*

Following error: error: cannot find symbol
                float table[]=df.generateDistributionFunctionInterval(numberStates[i],nParents,"emFloat",lowerP,upperP);
  symbol:   method generateDistributionFunctionInterval(int,int,String,float,float)
  location: variable df of type DFGenerator
Note: uses or overrides a deprecated API.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
1 error
